Monday 6 February 2017

10 tips for hair removal that lasts longer

Hair removal is basically tried to remove hair from the follicle under the skin surface. This is done by applying a layer of softened wax and is supposed to fix. Then taken out with a smart and the reverse direction of hair extension, pulling it out from the origin. The initial few points are executed can be painful, but these troubles are decreasing when done on a daily basis.

The advised for optimal extraction rate is three weeks or once a month, taking into the record the type of hair every woman. After the performance, the idea is to avoid sun appearance, at least within the first 12 hours. It is normal that the depilated area is red, that small dots or strokes, which should pass within a few hours to look.

It is recommended that the who have diseases like diabetes or any circulatory difficulty not perform this type of hair extraction.

When we act to plucking, we should see that places are fit and the ingredients used, properly sanitized.

10 tips to optimize results

-To Make a good shave should consider the optimal condition of the wax and its temperature, as well as the direction of the hair and skin texture.

-The skin should be clean and dry.

-For Sensitive skin, ideally waxing with aloe vera.

-Do not use lotion or oily cream before epilating.

-The Waxing needs a way that must be determined to block the skin is damaged or for any ingrown hair.

Tips for a perfect shave

In summer we do waxing more often than in winter, mainly because now we go to the beach and do not want to have a hair on the leg.

If you take shaving on your own time, you may have noticed an evolution from the first time hair removal you so far. Especially in the variety of tips for perfect hair removal. Overall, the average frequency of depilation in women is every 3 weeks, variable depending on the person.

Before hair removal

The days before waxing, it is recommended much moisturize. Thus, the skin will suffer less because it is not dry and tight. It is also important to exfoliate the skin 4 or 5 days before waxing and most importantly, not sunbathe 24 hours before waxing.

Whether you shave with wax as if you do it with a razor, it is important that the skin is thoroughly clean and dry before waxing and especially always pull in the direction of the hair. Actually, if you have sensitive skin, it is better to shave with wax, preferably a wax with aloe vera. This type of hair removal is much softer than the razor.

The various techniques and hair removal products for plucking

Razor: It is a good investment if you use it frequently. now razors are much more advanced and come with systems to reduce pain, like a piece that attaches to the winch and gives cold every time it happens, so that the area is anesthetized.

Hair removal with a blade: It is most often used when you do not have much time. It is used with a specific gel, even if there is no valid also with normal gel.

Depilatory cream: If you do not want pain, the cream is definitely your best choice. Extend it through the area and retire with a plastic pallet. Most importantly, never leave longer than is indicated in the box, if you leave it more, you will burn the skin.

Laser Hair Removal: This is the most definitive and that harder. If you decide on this type of hair removal, always go to a medical center with accredited professionals